
Saturday, October 12, 2013

After many days I have returned

Sorry for all who expected Part 2.  I'm still working on it.  But these are my long-overdue 313 photos.  With all that has been going on lately, photography has not been high on my priorities list, but I was able to get in a little each day, just enough for now. :)  I have many, many more days to make up for my lack of creativity!

Day 117:  Tree top

The trees here are very tall, and thick green vines cover most of the foliage in the woods.

Day 118:  ......Lie's?

It's the pool supply store, but their advertising could use some work.

Day 119:  The original iron man :)

This is the Factory at Franklin.  Although it's now a shopping venue, it still has a lot of neat history, and this memorial sculpture out in front.  Meet Rusty!

Day 120:  Old books are old friends

This is a fabulous book.  I honestly spent the whole night reading it.  It was that good!

Day 121:  Timber

Thick doors in old houses make lots of noise when moved.

Day 122:  What?

Who uses these decorative pillows anyway?  Except for making forts, that is.  But even these would make a pretty sad fort. :/

Day 123:  Sometimes there are bugs

There aren't really that many more bugs than anywhere else, so it's not that bad at all.

Day 124:  Harvest moon!

I didn't know this was called a harvest moon  It is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox.  Isn't it beautiful?

Day 125:  Let there be light.....the modern way

"Who is more foolish, the child afraid of the dark or the man afraid of the light?" -Unknown

Day 126:  Flowing waters

"Rivers are roads which move, and which carry us whither we desire to go." -Blaise Pascal 

Day 127:  The wind chime that is as big as Libbey

This hung outside on the porch of our last rental, and it made a really nice mellow sound.  I always liked these, and this was my favorite. 

Day 128:  Circles galore

I love the circles that Canon is known for!  Why not go against the grind and show them off a little?

Day 129:  In which I make my own makeup

It's amazing how many things you can find in your kitchen to use for things besides eating.  This powdered foundation uses spices!  It's natural, cheap and it smells wonderful!

Day 130:  Last day at the rental

Isn't the view lovely?  That's part of Kingston in the background.  The lake is so smooth and glassy too, it's quiet and peaceful.

Day 131:  Fort Southwest Point

This was a great place to tour, and free too!  The guide was very informative and the grounds were perfect for picnicking, not to mention the great view.  

Day 132:  Chattanooga Aquiarium

It's field trip day!!!  More stuff to touch!  This ray and shark tank had a little shark in it called a bonnethead.  It looked like a baby hammerhead.  Libbey touches it here.  I took this through the glass (which was dirty from so many little hands and noses pressed against it) so please excuse the quality of this photo.

Day 133:  More books.  Can you tell I like books?

Monday in Georgia~very descriptive, I know.  This was taken at our friend's house in Atlanta, where we stayed for over a week.  They have bookshelves everywhere!!!! <3

Day 134:  To visit friends....

"The ornaments of your house will be the guests who frequent it."
-Author unknown

Day 135:  The worth of water

"But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never thirst again.  The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
-John 4:14

Day 136:  Ombre!

Ahh....symmetry, I love it.  Especially when it's in threes.  Very pleasing to the eye, indeed. :)

Day 137:  Welcome to the World of Coca-Cola!

Normally, I don't care for this type of lamp.  But this one is so iconic and cool!  But only for a Coca-Cola junkie. :)  

Day 138:  Stone Mountain on a Saturday night.

See that crowd?....that's nothing compared to what is was like after the laser show!  At 8:00 pm, the park put on a great laser show, complete with fireworks and music!  It was really, really neat and we all enjoyed it.  Well, except for our friend's baby girl, who screamed her head off during the grand finale.  The Stone Mountain park puts on these shows every night in the summertime!

Day 139:  This is how to defrost a frozen CapriSun.

Or you won't be able to get the juice up the tiny straw, of course.  These are a guilty pleasure we rarely enjoy, anyway!

Day 140:  With little ones

Fridge art by the little people!  These are the future artists and authors, my friends.  Teach em' well!

Day 141:  The earth laughs in flowers

"Pluck not the wayside flower; it is the traveler's dower."
-William Allingham

Day 142:  Library parking lot

I was sitting on the curb, people watching, and decided to take a shot at this sedan.  It was kind of dirty, so I picked the cleanest part. :p

Day 143:  Turning colors <3

Back here in Tennessee, the leaves on the trees are starting to turn!  In a couple weeks they should be in peak.  Hurrah!  

Day 144:  Back on Watts Bar Lake

And couldn't be happier!  I love looking out on the peaceful, quiet waters of this beautiful lake!

I promise, Part 2 will be coming shortly!


  1. The last picture is really nice Haley! And hooray for Harold Bell Wright :-)

  2. I love days 128 and 135's pictures! Good job!

  3. Had you ever been to Stone Mountain before, Haley? I really like it there.

  4. Oh my..... That last picture is incredible, Haley! What lenses are you using? Since I've been here at the NCFIC I have been doing all the photography for them, and they have me shooting a Canon 7D. That camera is a.m.a.z.i.n.g.! I sold my Nikon, and am going to by the MarkII when I get home. I feel kinda like a rebel, buuut the pictures that come out of it are beautiful! And Harold Bell Wright..... Ohh yeah... I Love that guy!

  5. Great pics, Haley! The last one is stunning! Seriously. It's amazing! I miss you. :)

  6. I love seeing your creativity through the lens of your camera! The water glass shot was amazing! As well as many others!!
    Auntie Didar
