
Monday, May 27, 2013

{Insert creative title here}

If there is anybody out there who enjoys reading this little ol' blog, thank you!  You lurkers (you know who you are) mean a lot to me. If you ever feel like it, there's a "comment" box down there at the bottom of each post for you to write your little notes of whatever.  Just if you feel like it.  (It just might make my day.)

Sorry for the excessive posting lately.  Here are more 313 pictures.  Don't forget to click "like".  Oh yeah, I don't have a "like" button. :(

Day 17:  Homemade French chocolate silk perfection.......

I made this rich, chocolaty goodness a few days ago, and decided to take a picture of it at 2:00 in the afternoon.  Of course, I had to do something with it when I finished shooting I ate it.  It was fabulous, if I do say so myself. ;)

Day 18:  Whirling

As I was laying on the floor, clueless at what to shoot, I randomly pointed my camera to the ceiling and snapped.  And got this.  I'm even more effortlessly talented than I thought (just kidding).

Day 19:  New life of spiders....yay.....just what I wanted!!!

Delaney and Libbey pointed this out to me today.  Isn't that so incredible?  I mean, that little tiny spider with its long legs can make that intricate egg sack filled with little teeny-tiny spiderlets and it's all a product of random chance accidents!!!!  Just kidding.  It's an act of God.  Not kidding there.

Day 20:  Products of our creativity ;)

Libbey and Mom cut up most of our unused fabric to make napkins.  I thought it was a very DIY idea!  I should pin this!  Feel free to use this as your desktop wallpaper.

Day 21:  Blast from the past

Not exceptionally creative (what was up with me?) but nonetheless a picture of a nice old car.

Day 22:  Day at Lake Miracle

Our family took a day trip to Lake Miracle with our boat.  It was a beautiful day, and we were shocked to find that it was almost empty--except for a few boats and sunbathers. :P  Dad called the Shaw's and they all showed up in a couple hours (way to go on spontaneity, Shaw fam!).  We all enjoyed a great afternoon and evening together and had a blast on both beach and boat.  I believe I'll do a picture post for that soon.  

Anywho, thanks for watching!


  1. I love your little ol' blog!! :) The chocolate looks good!! I love your family's boat!! ;)

  2. I greatly enjoy reading your blog, haley!!!! Your chocolate looks incredible!!!! It is making me hungry just looking at it :):) It is really too bad that the spiders can lay so many teeny tiny spiders. The last thing we need is more spiders :| I really like your fabric napkins. My grandma just sent us some fabric napkins and I like using them so much better than paper ones.

  3. I like reading your blog, Haley!!! (and I hope that maybe I just made your day:):)
    ~Lacy Morice

  4. I really enjoy reading your blog, Haley!!! It is almost as good as talking to you in person!!!! Great job with your pictures, I love the one of the car!
    ~*~Hannah Cox

  5. @Hanna: Thank you!! You should come to the lake with us soon!!
    @Emilie: Why do spiders lay so many eggs at once, I ask? Do we really need more? Did your grandma make the fabric napkins she sent you?
    @Lacy: Aw Lacy, you made my day!! Thanks for following my blog!
    @Hannah: I'm glad you read and enjoy the blog! You should start one, you know? I'd follow you!! I'm glad you liked the car picture, I took that on a whim. :)

  6. Haley,I TOTALLY enjoy reading your blog!!! I always like to see new great pictures, encouraging articles or any thing else that you put up on your blog. You do a fantastic job:)! Hope we can see your family sometime soon!
    ~Melissa Nichols~

    1. @Melissa, Hi! Haven't seen you in a while! Hopefully we will see you this summer when we stop in Socal. We miss you guys! I need to get your moms emails address also...that bread is calling my name.;)

    2. Hi, Madeleine! I know it's been awhile since we last saw each other.(I wasn't even sure if you remembered me still;) I do hope though that we will get to see you all not to long from now:)!

      I'll send you the bread recipe soon:) I'm glad you liked it.
      ~Melissa Nichols~

    3. Of course i remember you!! We talk about you often with the CCBC kids..(Emilie, Morgan, etc) you didnt know that;)-maddie

  7. Haley!! I read your blog!! I just haven't been commenting lately. Btw, I have been sending you a bunch of emails but I don't know if you have received them or not. Miss you!! LOve you so much.

  8. @Melissa: How good to hear from you! I'm glad you enjoy the blog. I hope you all can visit us sometime soon!!
