
Friday, December 16, 2011

A whirlwind beach trip

On Monday, after about a week of planning, we packed up the Toyota Camry and drove to Pismo Beach, anticipating a few hours with the Telians (they were going to camp in their trailer).  Getting ready to go was a lot easier than usual, since all we had to do was pack for one night and we were staying in a hotel!  (Usually, we would spend the better part of the week in a campground with our trailer!)  But since our trailer is getting repaired in a shop in Fresno, we will have to wait until at least mid-January to camp again.

Our hotel

The stormy seashore

A random sunflower lying on the sand

Low tide under the pier

We were only in Pismo about 28 hours, but it was a great 28 hours!  We had a great dinner at Del’s restaurant on Monday night, Delaney and I watched the surfers by the pier early Tuesday morning, we walked on the pier with Dad, went horseback riding with the Telian girls, and played around in the ocean!  Tuesday was clear and warm, and the sunsets were beautiful. 

Our family left Pismo late Tuesday evening.  Hopefully we’ll be back in the New Year and get to spend a week in our trailer at North Beach, just like old times!
Breath-catching sunset

A peaceful lagoon

Libbey's ready!

Two happy boogie-boarders

(Photo taken by Susanna T.)

Playing in the waves at sunset

I love California sunsets

"The heavens declare the glory of God..."


  1. Great pictures!
    I sooooo need to get out their on the waves with Jesse some time!

  2. Was it raining there? Ah, I LOVE the beach!!!! Great pictures! Nice hotel too!!!!!! ~Macy

  3. Your pictures are spectacular! Wow! Love the lone sunflower on the beach! Did you have chowder at the Splash Cafe'? It's delish there! :)
    Love, Auntie Didar

  4. I must say that California sunsets are spectacular!
    Keep up the great work,
