
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving blessings

I’m sitting at the dinner table (not eating dinner), writing this out before all the family arrives and I become immersed in picture taking and bread baking…But now for my (condensed) list of blessings…

  1. God, my heavenly Father and supreme comforter
  2. My amazing family and their love and support
  3. Getting to spend Thanksgiving with all my relatives
  4. Baking bread again
  5. Spending time with my cousins, grandparents and other family members
  6. The fun sounds all around the house—people talking and laughing, dishes clanking, the TV playing the football game, music from the piano…etc
  7. Learning patience and perseverance
  8. Taking tons of pictures with my camera, plus some funny ones with the iPad
  9. Smelling good food
  10. Love
  11. Smiles
  12. The blessing of spending another holiday with my Papa Vince and Grandma Millie
  13. Festive decorations
  14. Little Libbey antics
  15. Seeing my kid cousin as he grows up (and almost as tall as me!)
  16. Nice coastal weather
  17. Memories from our fabulous trip around the country
  18. God’s provision and protection
  19. Life
  20. Little everyday miracles…that really aren’t little at all
  21. Like-minded friends that comfort me, friends with differences that cause me to grow
  22. Spending time with my beautiful, and equally awesome cousin
  23. Dressing up
  24. Breathing in another breathe given by God
  25. Sweet fellowship

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