
Monday, October 24, 2011

I get interviewed!!!!

I got an email this morning from my Aunt Diane (Dad’s sister).  She praised the interviews and then suggested that I get interviewed!  I had considered interviewing myself, but, as Delaney would say, it would be “too cheesy”.  So I dropped the idea.  But when my Aunt sent me questions, with the idea of her interviewing me, I was thrilled!  It was lots of fun to answer the questions and here they are on the blog, where they should be.  Thanks, Auntie!!

Aunt Diane:  If you could describe this trip in five words, what would they be?

Haley:  Let’s see…new, surprising, awesome, unique, blessing.

Aunt Diane:  Where did you see the prettiest view of all?

Haley:  I thought that Salisbury, Massachusetts, was gorgeous.  The Atlantic, white sand, grass-covered dunes with yellow wildflowers, wind…I’m so a beach girl!!

Aunt Diane:  What is the most spectacular thing you have seen?

Haley:  Probably Time’s Square.  I know it’s a weird answer, but it was just so…OVERLOAD!!!!!!  So many people and sounds and screens, so many noises and smells, it was overwhelming at first and definitely a spectacular scene. 

Aunt Diane:  What has been the most memorable moment so far?

Haley:  Wow…hmm.  I think that my most memorable moment(s) has been listening to Dad talk excitedly about his day in Annapolis, where he took a seamanship course.  He never wants stuff, just the opportunity to do things, so that was huge for him.

Aunt Diane:  What day was the happiest day/moment?

Haley:  Finding out that my cousins from Wisconsin are pregnant with their first baby!

Aunt Diane:  What has frustrated you the most?

Haley:  Having all my clothes and shoes stuffed into a tiny section of the tiny closet and in an organizer that sits at the end of my bed.  Wrinkles!!!!!

Aunt Diane:  If you could relive one day of this journey, which one would it be?

Haley:  Maybe the day we drove through Vermont.  That was beautiful.

Aunt Diane:  What is the first thing you want to do when you get home?

Haley:  Either do cartwheels on the lawn or skip through the house.

Aunt Diane:  Where have you seen God most on this trip?

Haley:  God has really blessed Dad with a prosperous job that is flexible enough to let him be away from ‘the office’.  It has been so wonderful that Dad is always with us and still works to make money that keeps our wheels turning! 

Aunt Diane:  What will you do with all the writings in your blog when you get home?

Haley:  They’ll stay on the blog like they are now, so anyone can go back and re-read the posts.

Aunt Diane:  Has your new camera worked as well as you thought it would when you bought it?

Haley:  YES!!  It has been very good to me, and I’ve learned a lot about it along the way.  I still have much technique to discover, I’m sure, and I’m hoping to purchase a macro lens when I get home. 

Aunt Diane:  What are your responsibilities when you pull into a campground for the night?

Haley:  Usually, I either help Dad level the trailer and put the slide-out out (a two person job).  I also aid in securing the bikes, fixing up our bedroom and setting up camp. 

Aunt Diane:  Is it easy for you to write your blog? (Do the words just flow?)

Haley:  Sometimes, I can squeeze out a whole post in a half hour.  That requires a bit of editing later though!  But I also suffer from writer’s block fairly frequently and sometimes delete a whole post because I lost the inspiration.  But I love writing, and it’s been so much fun to log all of our adventures!!

Aunt Diane:  Would you like to take another trip like this next year?

Haley:  I don’t think so.  We’re doing it, and I don’t think we’ll do a trailer trip this long again.  I also don’t like to be away from home for such a long time, so this has really been a huge stretch for me.  But Dad has a dream to travel on a boat someday!!

Aunt Diane:  If you could change three things about this journey, what would they be?

Haley:  My bike getting chewed up, getting a cold twice and Dad working LATE at night.

Aunt Diane:  If you could keep three things exactly the same, what would they be?

Haley:  The weather, going through Vermont and all the laundry being done.

Aunt Diane:  What has surprised you most about our country?

Haley:  Probably the majestic weather patterns.  It’ll be in the 80’s and sunny one day, with a raging thunderstorm and low 50’s the next.  I love it though!

Aunt Diane:  Thank you for writing this blog Haley! It's been awesome!

Haley:  Thank you so much!  It’s been a joy through and through.  I hope it’s blessed everyone else as well!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're having a BALL, Haley:)

    Your Friend in Christ,
