
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Niagara Falls

We have spend two nights in 4-Mile Camground, a few miles from Niagara Falls.  The first day we arrived we went to see the falls.  We didn't have to pay the $10 entrance fee because of the camground we're staying in, which is great because now we can go back and forth to Niagara Falls anytime while we're here. 

At my first glimpse of the immense waterfalls, I was in awe of the greatness and might of the water, how it went from a tumbling, swirling river to an avalanche of white, frothing water that made great clouds of mist and flitting rainbows.  We saw American Falls first, then walked over a pedestrian bridge to Goat Island and viewed Bridal Veil and Horseshoe Falls.  Despite the overcast day we were having, it was a majestic sight and sound, and the walkways were flooded with people.  While we were at one overlook to Horseshoe Falls, watching as the river plummeted to the gorge below, we all watched as a seagull calmly floated down the river that was going right over the edge.  For some reason I thought that I would watch this poor bird go right over the falls to its death, and didn't even consider the fact that it had wings and could the little bird floated right over the edge, and about 10 feet down it raised its wings and soared through the mist.  It was really neat.  

Niagara Falls is a beautiful, unique place in God's creation that really displays His power and majesty.  I highly reccomend it to be an item on your bucket list,  preferably near the top (just in case you don't get to the bottom).  But seriously, it is a fabulous place and one I'll never forget. 

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